
Forging-Group Whistleblowing Channel

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Legislative Decree 24-2023 requires all companies subject to whistleblowing obligations to implement a whistleblowing platform for managing the internal reporting channel.


PURSUANT TO ART. 13 AND 14 EU REG. 679/2016 – GDPR

Pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 679/2016 (hereinafter GDPR) concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, Forging Group Monale Srl (hereinafter F.G.M.) as the data controller wishes to provide all the necessary information regarding the processing of personal data of the data subject who submits a report (hereinafter, “the Whistleblower”) and other data subjects mentioned or involved in the report, or those potentially responsible for the wrongdoing being reported (hereinafter, “the Reported Person”).


The data controller is Forging Group Monale Srl (hereinafter F.G.M., the company) with registered office at via Legnano 26, 10128 Turin, and operational headquarters at Castellero 18/20, 14013 Monale d’Asti (AT).


If the Whistleblower chooses not to make an anonymous report, opting for a “confidential report” and/or using other alternative channels (email, paper delivery by hand, in-person meeting with direct verbal communication), the Controller will process the following personal data related to the Whistleblower:

  • Common identification data (surname and first name);
  • Contact details (email address, telephone);
  • Any special categories of data;
  • Any judicial data;
  • Any other personal data contained in the report;
  • Personal data that may emerge from subsequent investigative activities.


Data may be provided/collected through:

  • The report, by the Whistleblower;
  • During the report management process;
  • During necessary investigative activities;
  • Through traffic LOGs on connections to the whistleblowing platform recorded on the company’s systems.

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